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Getting ready...

Relevant contents on the way. 1.Covid idiots in Birmingham. 2. Reminder about safety at work 3. Another wave on the way.

Cautiously treading

Still remains.... The Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford has beaten Boris Johnson to announcing lockdown changes from Monday. The PM is...

USA - Why is black man sicker?

A Viewpoint: A 6-fold increase in the rate of death for African Americans. Findings are not very encouraging. Questions are now being...

Follow your gut.

This matters to you. To keep in good health and maintain your immune system in top-notch, your gut is where to all start from. She will...

Heroes every day.

Many healthcare workers, over the years, have left Zimbabwe for better pastures. They have dispersed throughout the world. I can attest...

Take care

How to do prevention against COVID-19, is explained in pictures. Ask if you do not know how to do any one of the things in the pictures....


Everyone knows what this is. Why? Here are the world stats on weed use, its 5 years old. Check the side effects listed at the bottom of...

For Heath professionals: SICK DAY RULES

One of the most important aspect of Diabetes care for those with and giving care is to know SICK DAY RULES. This fundamental aspect of...

From cradle to grave, keep moving.

This is a new policy. Everyone should adopt it. Healthy body, Healthy mind, healthy living. WHO clearly states that every child should be...

Hello, Immune system.

Who are you? Cells which are part of the immune system Recently, the hype surrounding COVID-19 has been all about immunisation and...

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