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Death toll rise among Blacks and Asians in UK.

Why are more deaths, in comparison, from COVID-19 among the BME race in the UK? An additional major part of this answer is in...

Take care

How to do prevention against COVID-19, is explained in pictures. Ask if you do not know how to do any one of the things in the pictures....

COVID-19 is invading every organ including skin.

This still a novel virus in many ways. Every day we are deciphering COVID-19 secrets and characteristics. A very geeky virus. It knows...

Lockdown has disturbed my sleep, Doctor!

One of the earliest functions of the body to suffer distruption, during stressful situations like lockdown, is sleep function. We...

Burning to know, have to know, want to know

Anonymous Ask away. Now is the right time. Send it in. Where: Will get back to you ASAP.

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