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  • Writer's pictureDr K. G. D. Mawji BM MSc.

Lockdown Nutrition suggestions.

Updated: May 12, 2020

It has never been a time when people were in a situation where availability of food was rationed to a degree. No hoarding and 2 meter distance in ques to buy food. No shortages though.

The overload of mixed emotions is felt by everyone to a varying degree. In these situations, the psychological variance tips towards eating to be comfortable. This may, in some, trigger eating preferred comfort foods. Daily routine of balancing food with activities becomes tipped to 'butt' on the couch eating foods and watching TV for most. Even those, who are key workers experience the brunt of altered hours, long hours and carrying additional stress leaves them with very little time to plan meals.. In spit of the fact that keyworkers have first hour of opening reserved for them to shop unhindered.

However, those who are in lockdown, shielding, or in self isolation make an effort to nutritious balanced diet. They will benefit from improved immunity and in general health. Weight gain is a no no. Obesity is a risk factor for adverse outcome with COVID-19 infection.

So, here are suggestions of how you can plan and pack good nutriton with balanced diet. This is affordable too.

Let’s start with some simple questions. Post your answers in the Readers request section.

So now that you have been honest with your self, see the next slide of suggestions.

For more on hand Portion diet- a post will be under metabolism & diabetes in near future.

Remember the lockdown period has been extended by 3 more weeks.! Waiting for Ro Number to be minus- more on it laters.

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2 commentaires

Dr K. G. D. Mawji BM MSc.
Dr K. G. D. Mawji BM MSc.
17 avr. 2020 long as its healthy type of snacking..bit not sugar or fat loaded..a lengthy list of healthy snacks can be found in major outlets..cheers.


Phillip Carman
Phillip Carman
17 avr. 2020

I've been snaking most days but more on that laters

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