Why are more deaths, in comparison, from COVID-19 among the BME race in the UK?
An additional major part of this answer is in the.."Recent News"..found at end of this article.
Was it their parents socioeconomic status? added to it was it that their health issues were not managed as per guidelines?, then compounded by not being shielded appropriately whilst in the front line of COVID-19 fight? It may be a combination of all these.
We await the full results of the inquiry set up by many agencies in the UK, dealing with this question.
However, let us try and answer the first of these questions.
This is my opinion. I base it on epigenetic modulations with its lasting benefits.
Immune system efficacy is knocked down by long term nutrient deprivation, especially when these deprivations are unrecognized and uncorrected (Ohshima et al., 1991). Vitamin D is only a tip of the ice burg. It is very plausible that COVID-19 is exposing epigenetic changes passed on over generations from socioeconomically deprived parent stock.
We have to agree to have these difficult conversations for the sack of sustaining humanity. This we must, It holds the answer for the wellbeing of all of us.
Prof Baker is a renowned epidemiologist, who was my Professor at Southampton University Medical school. His work on disease inheritance from environmental insults showed us how important maternal nutrition is on her children's health.
Poor or unbalanced nutrition prior to and during pregnancy affects the quality of her 'eggs'. through the changes in her activity of genes that she then passes on to her children. This is called "Barker's hypothesis". In 1986, Barker published findings proposing a direct link between prenatal (mother nutrition before becoming pregnant) nutrition and late-onset coronary heart disease.
You are what your grandmother experienced
The graph is simple, let me explain.
The graph represents Barker's hypothesis. Compared to "Normal" person if your grandmother either had poor diet (low nutrition) or poor diet of unbalanced foods (high nutrition) your chances of dying are increased by x1, x2, x3, and so forth on either side of low and high nutrition respectively.
On the other hand, if she had a balanced diet and a good environment to live in than your longevity would fall on the green line at the bottom. You would live long and healthy.
He emphasised that the diseases you inherit starts while you are in the womb from the way your mother's nutrition was affected by her mothers and in turn passed on to you.
So here in a table is a representation of what may happen when they studied the effect of winter hunger in a dutch study.
Suffice to say that if you are planning pregnancy make sure you plan well ahead of pregnancy to maintain a balanced healthy life. Try an avoid harm and benefit from good that is everything listed in the chart below.
The good news is that you can try and stop this being passed on to your children.
You will give your child the best chance in life and lifting the child out from the type of hardships the grandmothers endured.
We pray for all the Heroes who stayed at their post till the end.
Recent News:
Roger Kline, a research fellow at Middlesex University and author of the 2014 paper “The Snowy White Peaks of the NHS”, specialises in workforce culture and racial discrimination in the health service. “Some groups of staff are more likely to be at risk, with long-term health conditions like hypertension [and] diabetes,” he says.
These staff may at the same time face higher risk; “We also know that BAME staff are more likely to be on the front line, outside of very
strict PPE [personal protective equipment] areas – BAME nurses are more likely to be lower-grade, for example,” he says. “There are simple things that could have been done – where staff have additional risks, make sure they don’t go into hot COVID areas.”
Kline’s research has shown that BAME doctors are less likely to be in the most senior positions, and to feel safe speaking up about problems in the workplace. “BAME hospital staff are less likely to be listened to, [and] more likely to be bullied” he explains. “In some cases I’ve heard that BAME staff have been reorganised to COVID areas.”